
All ideas streamlined into a single flow of creativity. Smiltė.

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Shechen Monastery,

The Shechen Monastery is one of the largest and oldest monasteries in Kathmandu.
This imposing religious complex was founded in 1980 by the renowned Nyingmapa lama Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, replacing the Shechen Gompa that had been destroyed in eastern Tibet. For nearly ten years, master craftsmen, stonecutters, sculptors, painters, goldsmiths, and master tailors worked to make the monastery one of the finest examples of Tibetan art.
Today, the monastery is home to a community of over 300 monks. Damaged during an earthquake, the main prayer hall, with its fabulous murals painted by artists from Bhutan, has been completely restored.

Under the watchful eye of Matthieu Ricard and lighting designer Vincent Feron, Loupi illuminated the three golden Buddhas in the main temple with fine gold.

Shechen Monastery,

The Shechen Monastery is one of the largest and oldest monasteries in Kathmandu.
This imposing religious complex was founded in 1980 by the renowned Nyingmapa lama Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, replacing the Shechen Gompa that had been destroyed in eastern Tibet. For nearly ten years, master craftsmen, stonecutters, sculptors, painters, goldsmiths, and master tailors worked to make the monastery one of the finest examples of Tibetan art.
Today, the monastery is home to a community of over 300 monks. Damaged during an earthquake, the main prayer hall, with its fabulous murals painted by artists from Bhutan, has been completely restored.

Under the watchful eye of Matthieu Ricard and lighting designer Vincent Feron, Loupi illuminated the three golden Buddhas in the main temple with fine gold.